White Lotus is a well-known and common water lily. It is closely related to Blue Lotus (Nymphaea caerulea). Both plants have a similar alkaloid content and effects are said to be v...
Wild Dagga (Leonotis Leonurus) - Flowers Only - 5 GramsLeonotis leonurus is also known as wild dagga ('wild cannabis') and lion's tail. Wild dagga flowers and leaves were smoked by...
X-e übertrifft mit seiner stimulierenden Wirkung alle anderen Happy-Caps-Varianten. Live life to the max met X-e!
X-e gibt Dir einen grossen Energiestoß, und Du wirst diese Sens...
When it comes to stimulation X-e surpasses every other happy-caps product. Live life to the max! X-e gives loads of energy and you'll definitely feel the sensation all over your bo...
Le célèbre énergisant d'Herbal Distribution! Finalement disponible dans une nouvelle formule, sans éphédra, mais toujours très efficace.Le nouveau produit est à base de caf�...
Yellow Subs Xtreme ist ephedrafrei und gibt Die viel Energie. Du hast nichts zu verlieren, ausser Deiner Müdigkeit und/oder Dein Übergewicht.
Hilft Müdigkeit zu wider...
Yerba maté is known as a drink, brewed from the dried leaves and stemlets of the perennial tree Ilex paraguarensis. It is an evergreen member of the holly family. It grows wild in...
Yerba Mate / Ilex Paraguariensis - 80 gramsYerba maté is known as a drink, brewed from the dried leaves and stemlets of the perennial tree Ilex paraguarensis. It is an evergreen m...
Never smell like smoke again!Made in the USA, ships from the USAUltra fine mist works instantlySafe for clothes, hair and fabricEliminates food odors tooConvenient leak-proof non-a...