Indigenous to the green river valleys of the eastern cape province of South Africa, this obscure flowering species is regarded by Xhosa diviners as a sacred plant with the ability ...
Calea Dream Kraut ist auch bekannt als Hundegras oder Calea Zacatechichi ("bitteres Gras"). Es wird von den Mexikanern als Appetitmacher und als Gesundheitmittel benutzt.Effekten:C...
Catmint / Nepeta Cataria - 80 gramsCats seem to have a special preference for this plant. They always look for it and when they obtain it, they become very excited. In humans Catmi...
D-Stress contient un remplaçant naturel du Kava Kava, à base de Da Zao, une baie chinoise, qui est utilisée comme supplément nutritionnel depuis des siècles. Les caractéristi...
Dreamherb / Calea Zacatechichi - 50 gramsCalea dream herb is also known as 'dog grass' or Calea zacatechichi ("bitter grass"). The shrub belongs to the sunflower family and grows n...
Gun powder is a variety of green Chinese tea, produced in the Zhejiang Province of China, of which each leaf has been rolled into a small pellet. Other common names are " Zhucha" i...
Hemp leaves from German organic cultivation - the new anti-stress solution. Does not contain THC. Usage Mix 1 table spoon with 1/3 of a liter of boiling water and steep for at le...
Hemp leaves from German organic cultivation - the new anti-stress solution. Does not contain THC. Usage Mix 1 table spoon with 1/3 of a liter of boiling water and steep for at le...
KannaBliss - CouchLock Relaxing Supplement - 2 OuncesCreated with just the right amount of melatonin, chamomile, hops and other herbs, drink CouchLock about 30 minutes before smoki...
La laitue vireuse s'utilise comme thé calmant. Son effet est comparable à l'opium, mais sans les effets accrocheurs. Elle est un bon remède contre l'insomnie, l'agit...