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Blaze Glass - Complete Mix and Match Bong Kit - Disc Diffuser Base - 6-arm Perc - 12-arm Perc
Blaze Glass - Complete Mix and Match Bong Kit - Disc Diffuser Base - 6-arm Perc - 12-arm Perc
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Blaze Glass - Complete Mix and Match Bong Kit - Disc Diffuser Base - 6-arm Perc - 12-arm Perc

A great way to kick off your Mix and Match bong kit collection or buy a variety of building blocks in one go, this complete kit from Blaze Glass includes a 5mm-thick stemless base with two blue glass disc diffuser plates, a 45mm > 45mm bong extender with a slitted and reinforced 6-arm tree perc in clear and black glass, and a 12-arm tree perc tube, with ice notches and a thick, comfortable glass mouthpiece.
All together this massive bong stands over 2.5 feet tall! The base features a reinforced 18.8mm ground joint and comes equipped with a roomy 18.8mm glass slide bowl. Two 45mm stainless steel bong joint clips are included to keep the pieces of your bong kit held securely together, and these pieces are interchangeable with the other bong bases, extenders and tubes in the Blaze Glass Mix and Match Bong Kit, or any mix and match set that fits together with a 45mm joint! The Blaze Glass logo is emblazoned on each piece in the kit in high-gloss silver.
With your own Blaze Glass Mix and Match Bong Kit, you'll not only get dreamy smooth, bubbly bong hits, you'll get endless possibilities for build-your-own-bong fun!
239.29 €
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