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EHLE. Glass - Glass Ashtray - 110mm - Black Logo
EHLE. Glass - Glass Ashtray - 110mm - Black Logo
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EHLE. Glass Ashtray - Small - Black

This solid ashtray by EHLE. Glass is made from premium glass and has been designed perfectly to meet all your smoking needs. It’s durable build means that it wont break or crack easily and it comes with 4 cigarette rests so you and your friends can all enjoy you smoke sessions without worrying about finding a safe place to rest your cigarettes or roll-ups. The ashtray has a 110mm diameter making it portable and easy to clean and it has a black EHLE. Glass logo going round the sides of the ashtray. This is a great piece to start your EHLE. Glass collection with or to add to your existing collection and it makes a great gift for any smoker.
12.00 €
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