It Finally arrived! The long-awaited Bong "Smellchecker" named after the famous smoker from USA. This bong kick your socks off with his 65mm diameter, his Ice Chamber and built-in ...
Feel Happy and Euphoric! Till Dawn belongs to the 3rd Generation of herbal energizers or also called Herbal X. This new breed from the Happy-Caps company gives you a mental clari...
"The name Trip-E says it all. Let the wave carry you higher and higher. Be one with the universe. Be in a state of bliss…Try this product and find out why it is called Trip-E" Us...
Le Hawaiian baby woodrose (Argyreia nervosa) appartient a la famille convolvulaceae comme aussi le morning glory. Les graines de cette plante contiennent un tryptamine naturelle ap...
Very popular in the sixties among hippies and artists in California. We give them a brand new look! Made with traditional ingredients like Hawaiian baby woodrose seeds and damiana....
Voacanga africana is an iboga like plant. Contains voacangine and voccamine, both of which are related to ibogaine. The seeds may take a few months to germinate. Effects Hallucino...
X-e übertrifft mit seiner stimulierenden Wirkung alle anderen Happy-Caps-Varianten. Live life to the max met X-e!
X-e gibt Dir einen grossen Energiestoß, und Du wirst diese Sens...
When it comes to stimulation X-e surpasses every other happy-caps product. Live life to the max! X-e gives loads of energy and you'll definitely feel the sensation all over your bo...
Le célèbre énergisant d'Herbal Distribution! Finalement disponible dans une nouvelle formule, sans éphédra, mais toujours très efficace.Le nouveau produit est à base de caf�...