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Mimosa Hostilis (Jurema Preta)
Mimosa Hostilis (Jurema Preta)
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Also known as Mimosa tenuiflora and jurema, the rootbark of this tree has an interesting role in the history and present of psychedelic shamanism. It is the only known plant that can be used for an orally ingested brew that, without the aid of another plant, induces visionary experiences akin to ayahuasca. In Brazilian history it was used in the Vinho da Jurema, a ceremonial preparation and ingestion of this plant. Rumours go that the tradition was extinct and recently picked up again.Jurema is also a very common source for Western people who make anahuasca, which is any brew with similar psychopharmacology (one MAO-inhibiting plant, one DMT-bearing one) to ayahuasca.


M. hostilis is nowadays used primarily in combination with Peganum harmala to make anahuasca, which is a psychedelic infusion similar to ayahuasca. The effects can best be described as a physical and mental purge, combined with a 4 hour connection with the otherwise imperceptible. The purge is typically not as strong as with ayahuasca.The intensity depends on many factors, so many drinkers have to build up some experience and have weak effects in the beginning. When the effects are weak, most drinkers experience something similar to a low dose of psilocybin mushrooms or LSD, combined with stomach cramps in the first 2 hours.In the case of strong effects, most people experience a drastic change in the interpretation of reality or even some kind of transport of all the senses to another dimension. Anahuasca is known for its strong visions of the bright side and the dark side. The visions tell stories about the drinker and everything else in the universe. Many people don't get visions, however, and experience anahuasca through the other senses. Some people get diarrhea and have to vomit.When jurema is taken by itself, the effects are the same, albeit of shorter duration (up to 3 hours) and there is generally less nausea, stomach ache and related discomfort.Using the extract of the bark as an incense induces a 15 minute psychedelic experience, borrowing elements from the anahuasca experience, most notably the drastic change in the interpretation of reality or transport of all the senses to another dimension.


In most anahuasca recipes 5 grams is a low dose, 10 a normal dose and 15 a high dose. Don't underestimate how overwhelming the experience can be and start with a low dose if you're new to anahuasca. If you are not yet familiar with making the brew, you should know that hardly anyone who makes it for the first time is successful. For most people, making good anahuasca is a result of trial and error and several years of practice. You should read about making anahuasca in books and on the internet (check the links below) and decide on a recipe.For the purpose of anahuasca, jurema is usually powdered and made into a hot water infusion. Depending on the brewer's method, this infusion takes between 1 hour up to a day to make. Some people make two or more infusions from the same plant material and add them all together. Sometimes acidifiers like vinegar or lemonjuice are added to speed up the extraction. Typical boiling times are between 1.5 and 4 hours in total. The resulting liquid is boiled down to a small, drinkable size and drunk 15 to 60 minutes after taking a 3 to 4 gr P. harmala or 50 to 150 gr Banisteriopsis caapi preparation.A psychoactive liquid can also be made from jurema alone. Place 25 to 35 gr (beginners between 10 and 20 gr) of the powdered rootbark in 125 to 175 ml of cold water for an hour and squeeze and stir the powder a couple of times. Strain and keep the liquid, and use the rootbark powder for a second run in the same fashion. The two liquids combined are ingested on an empty stomach.Because of its high potency and low price, jurema is a popular source for botanical extracts. These extracts are typically used as an incense.


We sell the powdered rootbark of M. hostilis. The primary active ingredient in this part of the plant is N,N-DMT and there is also a small amount of β-carbolines (Raetsch 2005). Some sources report the presence of 5-MeO-DMT.


When making anahuasca, be aware of the fact that you'll be using jurema in conjunction with an MAO-inhibiting plant, like P. harmala or B. caapi. MAO-inhibitors can be very dangerous when combined with certain foods or other psychoactives that are totally harmless when taken by themselves.Don't take M. hostilis by yourself and please take notice of the historical fact that anahuasca has been used safely in a ritual setting under guidance of trained shamans.

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6.97 €
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Mimosa Hostilis (Jurema Preta)
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