Dreamherb / Calea Zacatechichi - 50 grams
Calea dream herb is also known as 'dog grass' or Calea zacatechichi ("bitter grass"). The shrub belongs to the sunflower family and grows naturally in the Mexican highlands and certain parts of Costa Rica. Calea zacatechichi measures 1 - 1.5 m in height. The plant has many branches with oviform and opposite leaves (3-5 cm long and 2-4 cm wide).
It is used by the Chontal Indians of Mexico to obtain divinatory messages during dreaming and in Mexican folk medicine as an aperitif and to improve the natural metabolism. Indians have been naming calea 'leaf of God'. It is valued for its ability to clear the senses, to induce visions in dreams and as a healing plant in general. Shamans use the herb to receive divine messages in their dreams. Ordinary people in Mexico use it to increase appetite and health product that supports among other things a natural digestion.Effects
Calea provides a restful and drowsy effect. The psychoactive effect is subtle and can be described as dreamlike. Mexican Indians consider calea as a hallucinogen, although no hallucinogenic alkaloid has been isolated yet. Usage
3 to 25 grams of the crushed dried leaves are drank as tea. It tastes very bitter.