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Molino Mad Scientist V2
Molino Mad Scientist V2
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Introducing Version 2 of the Molino Mad Scientist, which is now an amazing 4-Piece bong which features a 2-Part diffuser AND a removable percolator at a fantastically low price for such an intricate and effective waterpipe.The Molino "Mad Scientist" features two water chambers to cool and filter the smoke. It passes through the water in the bottom chamber, then up into the central chamber where it goes through a percolator which increases the overall surface-area to volume-ratio of the smoke.

Double filtration

This double filtration system delivers the full flavour of your legal smoking herbs smoothly and without any harshness. The percolator is easily removed from the central chamber for easy cleaning.
Molino Glass have created some of the most practical and beautiful masterpieces of high quality Pyrex glass, and this "Mad Scientist" has raised the bar once again.
84.77 €
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Altro Molino Mad Scientist V2
Molino Mad Scientist V2
Introducing Version 2 of the Molino Mad Scientist Percolator Bong, which is now an amazing 4-Piece bong which features a 2-Part diffuser AND a removable percolator at a fantastical...
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87.63 €
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