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Glass-on-Glass Viper Bowl- Choice of 5 colors
Glass-on-Glass Viper Bowl- Choice of 5 colors
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Glass-on-Glass Viper Bowl- Choice of 5 colors

This worked, colored glass slide bowl is a beautiful and well-made accessory for any glass bong with a glass-on-glass joint. The viper design really makes it stand out. This glass slide bowl is made from thick, high-quality, borosilicate glass that can take a beating. It is equipped with a roomy and deep bowl with quite a large opening, so using a screen will be necessary to keep debris out of the bongwater. The bowl is available in 2 different joint sizes (14.5mm or 18.8mm) and 5 different colors: black, green, amber, blue and pink. When ordering, choose from a 14.5mm or 18.8mm glass-on-glass joint, then choose from one of the 5 available colors.
16.00 €
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