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Flaming Skull - Stemless Inline - 4-arm Tree Perc Ice Bong - Green
Flaming Skull - Stemless Inline - 4-arm Tree Perc Ice Bong - Green
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Flaming Skull - Stemless Inline - 4-arm Tree Percolator Ice Bong - Green

If you like high diffusion, low drag, and getting quick results from a cool-looking bong, this stemless waterpipe from Flaming Skull leaves nothing to be desired! The round base is tinted green and balances a submarine-like 21-slit inline perc that breaks up your pull into bubbly bliss. As the smoke travels up the cylinder it is further diffused by the green 4-arm slitted tree perc and then chilled by ice cubes held in place with three ice notches. The big green bowl holds a lot of herb and with 3 rollstoppers it won't roll away from you and fall off the table. The thick mouthpiece is tinted green and the cool Flaming Skull logo is featured just below, also in green.
102.44 €
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