Euphori-E ( U4e ) ist eine neuer Mix von Inhaltsstoffen, die Dir ein besonderes Glücksgefühl verleihen; die ganze Nacht gehört Dir mit Euphori-E ! Probier es gleich aus und Du w...
The Euphori-E (U4E) is a blend of ingredients that will give you a special and happy sensation. You will have all night and more with Euphori-E. Give it a try and you will see what...
EffectenDe effecten van kratom zijn al binnen 5 tot 10 minuten duidelijk merkbaar en duren gemiddeld 6 uur.
De voornaamste effecten kunnen worden omschreven als: dromerigheid, ge...
Fenix Black - Liquid Bali Kratom Extract - 10mlGrasscity now offers this tincture made of Bali kratom leaves. Fenix Black is a 2:1 tincture made of leaves (14,9% alc.). The bottle ...
Final E is the latest creation from the herbal magicians of Smartlab and is doubtlessly a revolution. The secret of this Next Generation herbal lies in the cunning combination of p...
Flower Power is a herbal energizer that makes you want to dance and party all night long. Based on only natural ingredients, Flower Power gives you a happy energy boost, that helps...
Flower Power is a herbal energizer that makes you want to dance and party all night long. Based on only natural ingredients, Flower Power gives you a happy energy boost, that helps...
Fo ti tien werkt ontspannend en verhoogt de vitaliteit, bovendien wordt beweerd dat het de potentie verhoogt.
Fo ti tien is een tonicum, dit houdt in dat de werking pa...
Galangal is related to ginger. It has a strong taste which is somewhat like clove.
Galangal has medicinal applications. It is also used as a hallucinogen and as a taste enhancer.
Ginkgo biloba is a unique tree with no closely related species. It is one of the best known examples of a 'living fossil'. Because of its survivability the Ginkgo tree is believed ...