Damiana herb (Turnera diffusa) consists of the dried leaves of a bush which grows in the tropical areas of America.
Aztecs used it as a remedy against impotence, the Maya's used it for pleasure and it was drunk as a healing tea by Indians throughout South-America. Thus it is a herb with many qualities.
The psychoactive effect is compared with the 'high' of cannabis.Effects:
Damiana is a sexual stimulant, it stimulates the blood circulation and the metabolism. It contains elements that directly stimulate the nerves and genitals.
Damiana has a relaxing effect, gives a mild cannabis like high and is a light aphrodisiac. This effect lasts for about one hour. With regular use the effect will become stronger.
With longer use Damiana increases potency and helps to regulate hormones in women.
Damiana is a muscle relaxer. As a medication it is used against fatigue, nervous overexertion, exhaustion, hormonal disorders and congestions.Usage:
To make tea of the Damiana herb, take 10 to 15 grams (½ oz.) and mix this with 1 litre of water. Let this boil softly for 5 minutes, let it cool down, sift it and drink a few cups.
To make Damiana liquor, mix 30 grams (1 oz.) of Damiana herb with half a litre liquor and let this soak for 5 days. Sift this and let the alcohol drenched leaves soak another 5 days in 125 ml of mineral-water. Strain out the liquid and filter it. Heat the water extract until just under the boiling-point and mix it with half a cup of honey. Mix the alcohol extract and the water extract in a bottle and keep for a month. The mix will sink down and the liquid will get clearer. Pour the liquid carefully in a clean bottle. For the best results take in the evening 1 or 2 glasses an hour before the desired effect.Warnings:
Although not proven, it could be that very intensive use of large doses of Damiana, could lead to liver damage. It is not recommended to use more than 1 cup a day or large doses for a longer time.
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