Rivea corymbosa (common synonym: Turbina corymbosa), belongs to the group of morning glory plants which are native to Latin American countries, from Mexico in the North to Peru in ...
Open your Eyes
Everybody has trouble sometimes with tired bloodshot eyes after an evening out (smoking, drinking) or if you just had a bad night.
Open Your Eyes us the solution...
Die Mohnpflanze wird ungefähr einen Meter hoch. Sie blüht jedes Jahr im Sommer und im Herbst kommen die Samen und neue Sprösslinge wachsen. Die Blüten können ganz unterschiedl...
Todas estas semillas son propias para cultivar en tu jardín o en un vaso. Este paquete contiene 7 semillas diferentes. Un paquete ideal para practicar un poco de jardinería. Adem...
Concentrated extract of the relaxing Passiflora incarnata herb. 1 gram of this extract equals to 5 grams of dried plant material. May be used to release tension or as a sleeping ai...
El peganum harmala intensifica el efecto de los hongos y del DMT. La mezcla de un inhibidor de MAO y de una planta que contenga DMT es generalmente conocida como ayahuasca.
Dieses Buch ist nur in englisch erhältlich.A concise and readable guide to the art of cultivating peyote, San Pedro, and the numerous other entheogenic cacti. In light of the poss...
The Peyote cactus (Lophophora williamsii) grows very slowly. It takes about a year for the seeds to produce roots and start growing. Usage The seeds are for germination and cultiv...
Schilfgrass (Phalaris arundinacea)   ist eine Pflanze, die 1,5 m lang und einen halben Meter breit werden kann. Die Blätter sind lang, flach und 2 cm breit, die Blüten sind h...
Apart from its majestic beauty, the Pink Lotus (Nelumbo nucifera, formerly known as Nymphaea nelumbo) is held sacred because of the mystical effects it can produce. The Sacred Lotu...