Sweet flag (acorus calamus) belongs to the arum family. The plant looks like reed, it is common throughout North America, Europe and Asia, where it grows on riverbanks and in swamps. After the harvest the roots are dried. It has been used as a flavoring of liqueurs and as a medicine for many purposes. As a stimulant, a mouth wash, painkiller, a remedy against asthma and bronchitis, a rejuvenation tonicum and to increase potency and memory, or for plain enjoyment.
The major component of sweet flag is asarone, which can be purified into the amphetamine TMA-2.
The most important effect of the herb is that it is stimulating and cheering and that it has a positive effect on the libido.
A small dose has a slight euforic effect, higher dosages may cause a hallucinating effect. Dr. Shulgin describes TMA-2 in his book 'Pihkal' as comparable to mescaline, though without the colour-intensification.
Chewing sweet flag has a refreshing effect on your breath. When you make tea of it, use 2 to 5 teaspoons, depending on the desired effect. For a light euphoric, stimulating effect, use 1 or 2 teaspoons, for hallucinations use 4 to 5 teaspoons.
For a stimulating effect soak 20 grams (aprox. 1 oz) Sweet flag in half a litre water and boil it for a while. Sift it and drink a few cups. On an empty stomach it has a stronger effect. For a strong consiousness-expanding effect you can raise the dosage.
You can combine sweet flag with guarana, kolanut and other stimulating herbs.
Do not combine sweet flag with MAO inhibitors like yohimbe.