The Piecepipe is a precision made three piece smoking device for the subtle smoker.
Each detail is digitally lathed with a 0,02 mm tolerance. The prototype has been changed no less than 15 times, and the final product is delivered to you with a life time warranty.
One part of the mission was to design a pipe that you couldn't leave home without. The best way was naturally to have it keyring sized. Piecepipe measures 4,2 x 1,9 cm and weighs 60 gr (unloaded).
The toughest challenge was by far to make the Piecepipe "click" at the various modes. Having it odour free was of major importance since it usually stays loaded in the pocket. You will find this smoking mode at the first solid click.
The whole idea to Piecepipe actually started here. We discovered the need for an ultimate easy clean pipe. This lead to a cylinder that can be devided into two cleanable halfs. For best results, drop all parts in alcohol and rub with tissue. The stash chamber can hold extra tobacco or a vital herbs.
Piecepipe has been tested by hundreds of smokers world wide, has received the innovation price at the 7th international Cannabusiness and has travelled undetected around the world for more than two years. All this before the official launch in the spring of 2003.