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G-Spot Glass - Pure Bowl Chillum Downstem for 2-part system
G-Spot Glass - Pure Bowl Chillum Downstem for 2-part system
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G-Spot Glass - Pure Bowl Chillum Downstem for 2-part system

This piece is for use in a 2-part system with a carb hole where you don't need to slide out your bowl to get a rush of air when pulling. It gives you a strong snappy hit from your bong rather than soft bubbly pull, and the pure bowl is designed for smoking resins or other concentrates. A smaller hole and shallow sides make it easy to line the inside with something sticky and light it up! High-grade borosilicate glass, strong sandblasted joints and rollstopper make it less likely to break, but it's always a good idea to have extra downstems on hand just in case!
When ordering, choose 14.5mm or 18.8mm joint size from the drop down menu. The lengths are 25cm and 29cm, depending on the joint size you pick. Remember that the length of a downtube is always measured from the top of the lower joint down to the tip. If the downtube is too long for your bong, you can trim it yourself at home using G-Spot's Glass Cutter.
G-Spot Glass has been a player in the business of building a better bong since 2000. Based in Germany, they manufacture and supply premium glass bongs, accessories and handpipes of the highest quality at a mid-level price!
7.85 €
© 2009 -