The ThermoVape T1 vaporizer goes all out to convince you that simplicity in design and innovation in technology can go hand-in-hand. Where older model vaporizers are bulky, unwieldy and required all kinds of extra parts or cords, the convection-style Thermovape provides the same level of quality while staying user-friendly and completely portable.
With a length of approx. 14.5 cm the vaporizer fits nicely in your hand and can be operated easily, using only your thumb. A flow of hot air will pass through the herb (convection) to release the true essence; no combustion, no smoke. Just pure vapour.
Powerful and long lasting vaporization is guaranteed thanks to the new type of battery, which out-performs lithium batteries on all fronts. A total of 6 rechargeable batteries are included with the T1 kit.