Slip-proof, eco-conscious rubber mat for glass-on-glass bowls!Made in the USA, ships from the USA98% upcycled rubber scrap materialTough, resilient and recyclableClosed-cell neopre...
Oil Rig Converter Slide Bowl - Black with Silver and Gold Fume and Dichro Nib Handle - 14.5mmUse this slide bowl to smoke dry blends with your oil rig! Its female joint fits onto a...
Pipe Wipes are a uniquely designed cleansing pad that has been saturated with a special formula that not only cleans, but also disinfects. Pipe wipes are totally safe for all surfa...
Pot-Head Glass Bong Bowl with Screen ClampsThis clear glass slide bowl has a small 3mm opening in the funnel-shaped bowl and screen clamps that securely hold any 20mm screen. One 2...
'Black Leaf' Bong Pre 'Cooler'This Glass Bong Pre 'Cooler' from 'Black Leaf' is a simple but effective precooler. Comes in either 14.5 or 18.8 connection. The bowl has a red roll s...