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Molino Pre-coolers - Hurricane 1 piece
Molino Pre-coolers - Hurricane 1 piece
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Molino Glass Pre-coolers use vibrant colours and are hand made by the experts at the Molino glass studios.

Hand blown from heavy duty Pyrex they are made to the 14.5 standard joint size, this enables them to not only fit the range of Molino Bongs but also other 14.5 pieces (Roor bongs and others).
They are used as a pre cooling section where your bowl would be placed, you part fill them with clean warm water and this will catch ash that may fall through, whilst also offering an extra water filter for your smoke.
The Inside out design is made by having layers of coloured glass stacked on top of each other in a tube, then the glass is heated and twisted clockwise and cooled, then re heated and twisted clockwise. This is then repeated several times to give the glass a vibrant swirled effect, this is then moulded on the inside of the Pyrex tube and it's then the Pre-cooler mould is finished.
27.01 €
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