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GlassCity Stemless Diffuser Plate to Turbine Disc Vapor Bong - OVERSTOCK CLEARANCE SALE
GlassCity Stemless Diffuser Plate to Turbine Disc Vapor Bong - OVERSTOCK CLEARANCE SALE
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Scientific glass vapor tube with multi-level percs, from GlassCity!
  • Quality borosilicate glass
  • Stable, 12cm-wide round foot
  • Reinforced stemless design
  • Diffuser plate with 6 holes to turbine disc with 5 blades
  • 18.8mm female joint top-load vapor dome
  • Heat-proof Pyrex borosilicate glass concentrate nail
  • Engraved, sandblasted GlassCity label in bright green
  • Ice platform with 5 piercings
  • No carb hole
110.04 €
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