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Grace Glass - Beaker Vapor Ice Bong with Spiral perc - Green
Grace Glass - Beaker Vapor Ice Bong with Spiral perc - Green
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Grace Glass – Beaker Vapor Ice Bong with Spiral perc – Green

This Grace Glass beaker vapor ice bong comes as a complete set that features all the accessories you need for smoking herbs, concentrates and essential oils.
Place your herbs or concentrates onto the herb bowl or vapor dome, which connects to a detachable slitted diffuser. A green spiral percolator bubbles up your smoke. Some ice notches can hold a few cubes, for an extra cool toke. This results in a silky smooth hit that is packed with flavor and much easier on the throat and lungs. For those who enjoy smoking without a carb hole, a carb hole stopper is included with your purchase. The Grace Glass logo is placed underneath the ice notches in a matching green color. The tube ends in a comfortable mouthpiece with a green rim. The included adapter transforms the female joint of the diffuser into a male joint to fit the included nail and dome. It has a clear glass handle that makes it easy to lift.
71.23 €
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