A professional kit to make your own Absinthe. The absinthe will have the same taste as the original drink from the 19th and early 20th century. Only vodka or liquor has to be added. The kit contains:- The absinthe-typical thujon-containing herbs & spices
- Absinthe-cocktail & longdrink-receipes
- postcard sized sticker for your absinthe bottle;- the special spoon which is used since the early days to let melting sugar drop into a glass of absinthe
- A description of this absinthe-ritual;- and of course the detailed instructions how to make your own absinthe with a high thujon level
All herbs come in separate plastic bags in a nice storebox.Effects:
Absinthe contains several psychoactive substances, of which thujone is foremost. There is not much known for sure about the hallucinogenic properties of absinth and thujone, but they can certainly be experienced. Possibly the thujone accumulates in the body, what makes regular use stronger and more toxicating. The structure of thujone resembles that of THC, the active substance in cannabis. But the mechanism that activates it has shown to be different (and unknown so far). Some other ingredients in absinthe have psychoactive properties. Angelica, coriander, calamus and nutmeg for example, only it is not likely that absinthe contains enough of these ingredients for them to become hallucinogenic.Today, we have come to the conclusion that it must be the combination of a high alcohol percentage and thujone. Usage:
The ingredients of the absinthe kit are measured for 1 litre of homemade absinthe. This means a higher thujone concentration if you use a 0,7 litre bottle. Then the absinthe will be stronger, but the typical bitter taste of thujone will also be more dominant.
1. Put the leaves of the Absinthe plant (the green bag with the security notice) into the vodka (or whatever drink you want to use).
2. Remove the leaves after 12 - 24 hours.
3. Put all the other ingredients into the vodka.
4. Leave it for 2-3 days and then filter to remove the herbs.
5. Put the sticker from the green bag on the absinthe bottle, as well as the absinthe sticker with the fairy.
The absinthe ritual
Now it's time to enjoy your home-made absinthe in the traditional way:
1. Place the special spoon on top of the glass and put a sugarcube on it.
2. Drop 20 - 30 ml of absinthe over the sugarcube and into the glass.
3. Light the sugar (the alcohol should burn now, if you used over 40% alcohol).
4. Let the sugar burn until it is caramelized.
5. Add 2-3 cl of cold water.
Your drink is ready!Warnings:
Every kind of absinthe that is available nowadays, does not contain enough thujone to possibly do any harm. From this absinthe you'd have to drink so much that you would die along from a alcohol intoxication. The main warning, therefore, is to beware of the high amount of alcohol. Absinthe contains between 50-75% alcohol.

- Kit de absinto
- Un paquete profesional para preparar tu propio absinto. El absinto tendrá el mismo sabor que la bebida original del siglo XIX y de los princípios del siglo XX. Sólo tienes que a...
26.31 €
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